Operation Birthday Cake OBC

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A double birthday for Staff Sergeant Citrullo and Specialist Jardon at Camp Walker in Daegu

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USO Camp Casey near the DMZ delivers a birthday cake to Steven

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Steven and his unit enjoy the cake...

From our USO centers up and down the Korean peninsula, we help families show their loved ones that they are being thought of with the USO’s Operation Birthday Cake. For a small fee covering the cost of the cake and decoration, USO Korea delivers customized birthday cakes directly to service members to enjoy and share with their unit.

If you would like to send a birthday cake to your service member here in Korea, please fill out the OBC request form, and send it to us at least 2 weeks before their birthday and if they are within reach, we’ll make sure that your service member stationed on the Korean peninsula gets a cake and a song from you showing you remembered.

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